CMI8738 driver for Windows 7, Vista y XP

CMI8738 driver for Windows 7, Vista y XP for Free. If you were unable to install your sound card, download thredriver for CMI8738 that we provide. It doesn't matter your operative system, here we have all of the versions of the driver CMI8738.

I can't install my audio card CMI8738 on Windows 7 , Vista o XP!

A long while ago I purchased a soundcard because my motherboard's default sound card stopped working.

When I opened the box to install it, there was a small CD, where it contained the drivers of the product. I installed them, and my computer was set.

A short while ago, I was forced to reinstalled Windows again, and when I tried to listen to some music videos, I noticed the sound was not working.

Doing a little more research, I found out that I didn't have the drivers installed.

When I wanted to reinstall the drivers for C-Media CMI8738, I did not found the install CD anywhere.

I spent several weeks without sound, because the drivers were nowhere to be found either on my house nor the web.

Finally, I did one last attempt to find the CD, and found it.

For that reason, I created this website, so you don't need to suffer like I did.

Download CMI8738 Driver

Downliad C-MEDIA CMI8738 Driver
Download CMI8738 Driver for Windows 7, Vista, XP, 98

Product Information Name: C-Media CMI8738 Audio Card
Brand: C-Media
Model: CMI8738
Category: Sound Card

Included Drivers
Description File
CMI8738-LX Windows 7 CMI8738 driver for Windows 7
CMI8738-LX Windows Vista CMI8738 driver for Windows Vista
CMI8738-LX Windows XP CMI8738 driver for Windows XP
CMI8738-LX Windows 2000 CMI8738 driver for Windows 2000
CMI8738-MX Windows 7 CMI8738 driver for Windows 7
CMI8738-MX Windows Vista CMI8738 driver for Windows Vista
CMI8738-MX Windows XP CMI8738 driver for Windows XP
CMI8738-MX Windows 2000 CMI8738 driver for Windows 2000
CMI8738-SX Windows 7 CMI8738 driver for Windows 7
CMI8738-SX Windows Vista CMI8738 driver for Windows Vista
CMI8738-SX Windows X CMI8738 driver for Windows XP
CMI8738-SX Windows 2000 CMI8738 driver for Windows 2000

Data Sheets
  1. Install physically your sound card to your motherboard (your computer needs to be disconnected).
  2. Download CMI8738 driver from the file that we provide in this site.
  3. Download and install Winrar.
  4. Uncompress the file with the with rar extension that you downloaded.
  5. Inside the file there are several .zip files. Uncompress the one that seems to match your audio card's model number and operative system. The file called contains drivers for several operative systems.
  6. Search inside the .zip file the uncompressed for a file called Setup.exe and execute it.
  7. Follow the instructions that the program shows you.
  8. At the end of the installation, restart your computer.
  9. Enjoy your sound card!

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